Mairsy Dotes

"No faith is as solid as a wounded faith."

2AM Musings March 30, 2006

Filed under: Uncategorized — beege @ 2:00 am

How is it 2am? And how is it that I’m awake…not still, but again?

  • Linnea hasn’t been sleeping well since our trip out west. I think it was the time change, and the stress of the situation, and she was sick while we were back there–all of it contributed to her getting way overtired in a very big way. She’s been waking up with night terrors (which she tends to get when she’s overtired) for about the last week. The last few nights seem to have been better–she doesn’t wake up screaming, so that’s always good. But it’s as though her little body is just in the groove of waking her up at about midnight. Last night M stayed with her. Tonight, I was going to go all “Solving Your Child’s Sleep Problems” on her azz and just let her cry it out. Didn’t work out that way. She cried off and on for about 3o minutes, so I went in to her to make sure she had her Nuk and her blankie and BabySister Monkey. She was scared. She didn’t want to close her eyes. She wanted me to hold her. So I crouched by the bed and we prayed; we sang “Old MacDonald”; I tried to fake her out. Finally I just thought, “If you are the only thing between her and her fear, and if your presence is the only thing that will allow those sweet blue eyes to close and rest: you need to be here for her. So what if Dr. Richard Ferber doesn’t agree with your decision? You’re the Mommy.” So I crawled into bed with her, hauled her up against me, kissed her forehead, her eyes, her cheeks, her “mouf”, and then just breathed into her hair until I felt her relax.
  • Now Linnea is asleep. M is asleep. And I? I am awake. Wide awake. At 2AM.
  • Interesting discovery? M apparently ONLY snores when I’m in bed with him.
  • I HATED jack-in-the-boxes when I was a little kid. Hated them. They scared the shit out of me, because I never ever knew when they were going to pop out of the box. It wasn’t until my late 20’s that I realized the freaking SONG tells you when the thing is going to pop. For me, it just always seemed so random and frightening. Linnea has a “Rugrats” video, and Chuckie (yay, Chuckie!) calls it a “jerk-in-the-box”. That about sums it up right there, doesn’t it Chuckie my boy?
  • I’m just dreading doing our taxes. I’ve hated this time of year ever since becoming an ordained minister and not having any withholding taken from our checkes. It’s always such a freaking huge check to have to write. I’m hoping that several months of unemployment coupled with a job that DOES have taxes withheld makes the bite a little less severe. I’m hoping.
  • I’m contemplating a career move. Same company, different position, different store. It would mean health insurance for Nea and I. It would mean I could get pregnant again. It would also mean leaving the boss I love and adding a commute to my workday…but all things considered, I think it would be a good move for us.
  • I spent all day today cleaning our apartment. It had gotten pretty yucky. It’s never ever a good sign when you play “What’s the Smell?” everytime you walk in the front door. But now the house is clean and sparkling and tidy and smells good. The answers to today’s episode of “What’s the Smell?” are: WhiteBarn Candle Co. Clover candle and Clean Linen CarpetFresh. A distinct improvement over yesterday’s dirty litterbox and styrofoam meat trays in the garbage.
  • Incidentally, up until just recently, I was a firmfirmFIRM “Yankee Candle” girl. Wouldn’t buy anything else. I loved their scent selection, the way the candles burned, etc. But something is wrong with YankeeCandle. I’m not sure why, but their candles don’t scent like they used to. Plus, they’re getting rid of my favorite scents and keeping things like BUTTercream and rASSberry Sorbet (Like that juvenile humor? It took me a little while to come up with it. I must be getting tired.). So I discovered WhiteBarn Candle Co. I’d tried them before–their candles that smell like Bath and Body Works scents, but hadn’t been impressed. I’m still not impressed by those, but their main candle line is dee-vine. Good smells, good scent penetration, burns evenly and melts quickly. I’ve been converted.
  • Also good in the candle department? Soy Candles By Sharon. I highly recommend “Twigs and Berries” and something like “Oatmeal and Milk”. I’m not too excited by the music that plays on the website, but that’s why God invented volume knobs.
  • We’ve spent a lot of time lately reading “Once Upon a Potty”. For some reason, the opening line (“Hello! I am Prudence’s mother.”) gives Linnea the chortling giggles. For that reason, we’re willing to read it as often as she asks.

And now, I think I’m going to toddle off to bed. I hope I’m tired enough. I hope Linnea doesn’t wake up again. And I really hope that you’re not also up at 2AM, coming here and reading this. And if you are: we should really both get some sleep.


6 Responses to “2AM Musings”

  1. hi again from NW germany.

    ordained minister, eh..? cool. our pastor left the church at the beginning of the year, citing “irreconcilable differences” between him and the church board. me and the hub liked him, respected him very much. he’s been one of two pastors i’ve have great respect for.

    but we haven’t been back to church since. how does an early-30-something-married-been saved-since-college-but-had-a-tumultuous-20’s- and-30’s girl fight apathy, detachment, and general ennui when dealing with her spiritual life?

  2. beege Says:

    I’m really not sure. I’m an early-30-something-married-been-baptized-since-infancy-had-a-remarkably-boring-20’s-and-so-far-30’s-aren’t-any-less-boring girl and I’m also feeling apathy, detached, and a general ennui about my spiritual life.

    I will say the longer I’m not “professional” church, the more I remember why I wanted to BE professional church in the first place. I think that’s a good thing. Not necessarily that I’ll go back, but that I’ll rediscover that passion that made me think I’d be good at it. Does that make sense?

  3. Dixie Says:

    Makes sense to me, but then you always make sense to me.

    I was so bummed when B started to get have an allergic reaction to me burning scented candles (I am such a sucker for Yankee Candle Clean Cotton). I have to keep them where the scent can’t get to him. Unfortunately that usually means it can’t get to me either.

    I’m so glad we don’t have to file taxes. Our stuff gets taken out right away and there’s no filing later for us.

    I’m interested in this job move you’re considering. Is it going to be a worth-it challege?

  4. beege Says:


    Which is one huge reason why I’m so interested in taking it. I’d get to learn a lot, and it would position me for moving higher in the company.

    I’m not so sure I’m interested in doing that at this point, but I see no harm in being positioned so that if an appealing opportunity presented itself, I’d be able to take it.

  5. evolver Says:

    I never believed children should have to cry themselves to sleep. If that is true, why is it a parent’s desperate instinct to go to them?

    Dr. Spocks and Richard Ferbers will come and go until the last book is printed. And while such books are not unhelpful, parents have been around forever. I’d still vouch for a sincere parent’s judgement anyday. šŸ™‚

  6. Cassie Says:

    Begee, I just luv ya.
    You get into bed with that little angel, and it’ll make her a happier more secure person as she grows. Good luck on the career move, I know you’ll make the right decision.

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