Mairsy Dotes

"No faith is as solid as a wounded faith."

For Julia, who thinks my kid is bald April 17, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — beege @ 10:54 pm

She’s totally got hair. She’s got hair that does those cute baby duck curls in the back. She’s just also working some serious power alleys and a slight comb-over. 😉 **We believe that her first foray into the wonderful world of frosting caused sugar-induced bedspins. She seemed to enjoy them. She gets that from her Mama.**

Want some more birthday cuteness? What’s better after Frostingpalooza than a bath in the kitchen sink?


“Who you calling ‘Frosting Face’?” April 15, 2008

Filed under: Uncategorized — beege @ 1:30 pm

Yesterday, my sweet Boogster, Boogalicious, Boog-a-Roo, Miss Boog–and, oh yeah! Sarah–turned one year old. We had the party on Saturday, and both grandparents, a great aunt and great uncle, 2 uncles, 1 uncles girlfriend, sister, mom, and dad were there, happy to celebrate the day that Miss Sarah Elisabeth, Daughter of Beege, joined the human race.

My sweet wee girl celebrated with cake, and a double ear infection.

I keep using the word “sweet”. It’s because it’s really the only word I can think of (and it’s better than any word I’ve made up) that fits to describe her. She’s calm, quiet, a bit on the serious side–but if she develops a wry, dry sense of humor, I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised–she wiggles her eyebrows like a miniature Groucho Marx, she loves music and dancing, and helps me sing her to sleep by “singing” along, and she’s recently re-discovered the ability to roll over–she rolls and rolls and rolls, then stops and rolls the other way. She stands straight and tall like a little tree, but has only ventured a couple of steps. Mostly, she stands, takes the lay of the land, and then crawls like greased lightening to wherever she wants to go.  The hair on the back of her head falls in little ringlets, and I love to nibble her earlobs (it makes her giggle) or smooch the back of her neck. She is an unabashed and unapologetic Mama’s Girl, and I’m naturally pretty torn up about THAT. 

This was not an easy baby…threatened miscarriages (so funny to think that the flutter and egg sack I saw on the ultrasound screen in September 2006 is now this little girl!); losing my job, gestational diabetes, preeclampsia, bed rest, near-bankruptcy, moving in with my parents so we wouldn’t have to declare bankruptcy, thousands of dollars in medical bills (since no job = no health insurance), heart murmur fear–all of it worth it. Worth it the moment they took her slimy body and placed my squalling baby in my arms. Worth it every time she crawls as fast as she can to to get to me. Worth it every time I see her spontaneously lean over and smooch her big sister. Worth it everytime I watch her watch baseball with M. Worth it through every tear, every tooth, every smile, every diaper change, every sleepless night. Worth everything. Nothing is worth more than this small girl, who is mine as completely as Linnea, but in a wholly different way. There is a part of me that is hers, has always been hers…it was just waiting for her to arrive.

So happy birthday, sweet SarahBeth, my sweet bear, my tiny dove. Mama loves you like crazycakes.